Don't want violence happening at protests in the city?

Leave the police home.

Police always start it.

Every time.

No police, no riots.

It's that simple.
It's not even hypothetical.

It's proven. At any protest where police have simply stood down, no violence.

It is ONLY when people are surrounded by advancing masked, armored people with weapons that any real violence pops off.
City and police officials are aware of this.

They know that this pattern exists.

They know how to avoid it.

Therefore every riot is planned by authorities in advance.

There is never a riot unless police WANT one.

Let that sink in.
"Why would police WANT unrest?" I hear you asking.

Because unrest is an opportunity to show and declare dominance.

Policing to police is about respect and deference.

Any disrespect or irreverence must not be allowed to stand.

Because it challenges their power.
Police starting riots is the equivalent of the cliche of finding the most dangerous person in prison and trying to take them down to show that you aren't to be messed with.

Its a show of force.

So that nobody gets any ideas about coming for them.
Philly for instance has had YEARS of peaceful protest.

Countless rallies and marches where the police kept their distance.

No violence. No battles. No tear gas.

for YEARS.

and then the police got a new commissioner and out came the tear gas and weaponry.

And THEN violence.
The police DECIDED that protests in Philly weren't violent enough.

So THEY escalated.

And since they control the narrative, they pinned that escalation on the regular working families decrying police escalation.
Is is coincidental that this escalation happened in an election year where one candidate is pro-police brutality?

Of course not.
When you ask yourself "Who benefits?" it all becomes clear.

Protestors: Get beaten, teargassed, arrested, injured, killed

Literally every time police start a riot, they get more money.

They are seen as more essential.

They solidify the narrative of Police vs chaos.

They get sympathy.

And they get away with more crimes.

Police are ALWAYS the winners when they start riots.

Every time.
Police riots are nothing more than violent, State-sanctioned, fundraising campaigns.
You can always tell in advance whether or not a protest will end in violence.

Just look at how the cops are outfitted at the beginning.

If they're in cop casual, on bikes... it's gonna be peaceful

If they're in riot gear with APCs then it's gonna be violent.

Whatever the cops prepare for is what is going to happen.

Which makes sense. Because the protests are largely made up of the same people whether violent or non-violent.

The only factor that changes is what the cops come ready for.
American authorities know full well how to de-escalate civil unrest.

@BeauTFC has a great video on this

The military literally has manuals on it. They use it overseas.

It involves community building, not violence

Police understand this too

They CHOOSE not to go by the book.
Every riot you've seen in the news is a direct result of police deliberately ignoring best practices and acting in ways guaranteed to escalate tensions rather than reduce them.

Either you can believe they are malicious or inept.

Neither favors continued policing.
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