GOOD MORNINGGGG, MISSISSIPPI! Today’s #ElectionDay , and here are a few important notes to make before you cast your vote at the polls.

(If I left anything out, feel free to add to the thread!)
1) Polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM. If you are in line to vote by 7 PM, you CANNOT be turned away. Bring a voter registration card or valid form of MS ID (drivers license, student ID, etc.).

If you’re turned away from voting, call the Election Protection Hotline: 866-687-8683
2) If you aren’t on the voter roll at your voting place but KNOW you’re registered somewhere in Mississippi, you can STILL vote! Just request an affidavit (provisional ballot) to vote!
3) Understand that there’s much more at stake than just the next president, especially for Mississippi. The first Black senator since Reconstruction in @MikeEspyMS, the first Black woman Supreme Court Justice in Latrice Westbrooks, Jim Crow, medical marijuana, a new flag, + MORE!
4) For many of us young folks, this is our first time voting for president (or voting at all). Youth have to show OUT at the polls if we want to see real change in our state. We have to get more engaged with political processes and inform each other. @MSVotes is here to help.
5) What’s Initiative 65 vs. 65A? In short, 65 puts the power in physicians’ hands with specific and predetermined requirements and limits. 65A gives the power to state lawmakers and requirements/limits are created at their discretion (later date). Here’s a more specific look:
6) What’s House Concurrent Resolution No. 47? An AMENDMENT to a rule established around Reconstruction, aiming to keep Black officials out of office. Currently, elected officials need NOT ONLY the majority of the popular votes to win, but majority of the House of Reps. (1/2)
6) Voting “YES” means you want to remove the requirement that candidates must win majority of MS’s 122 House of Representative Districts, eliminate the role of the House in selecting a winner, & establish a runoff b/w the two candidates by the PEOPLE’S vote. (2/2)
7) What’s House Bill 1796 - Flag Referendum? This is Mississippi’s concept of a new state flag, replacing the Confederate flag that flew for over 120 years. A “YES” vote is in support of the new flag, and that the bill will take effect immediately after passage. (1/2)
7) A “NO” vote is NOT in favor of adopting the “In God We Trust” flag and having the flag commission come up with more options for a new state flag, to be created and voted on in a 2021 special election. (2/2)
8) One more time for the folks in the back, here’s a FINAL look at the ballot before you vote!
9) (Some folks don’t know this, but you can bring a voter guide WITH you when you vote! No need to cram all the votes in your head before you get to the polls.)
#Mississippi, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE like your lives depend on it, because they do! #ElectionDay
You can follow @calvertlamon.
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