Can we dispel the adoption myth that we are “chosen” like it’s fate & not random circumstance.

My mom “chose” to adopt.

She was approved to adopt.

Some Chinese government official decided to pair me with her.

If China hadn’t shut down international adoptions for The Hague Convention she would have adopted another Chinese baby.

If the Brazilian baby my mom was then going to adopt hadn’t come down with meningitis my mom would have adopted her.

If I wasn’t given someone else’s file my mom wouldn’t have adopted me.

If I hadn’t been born the 2, 3, 4 daughter to a poor Chinese family during the One Child Policy era, my parents might have been allowed to keep me then my mom would have adopted another child.

So in summary:

Adoption is random.

I was not “chosen.”

I am not a “gift.”

My adoption was not “fate” but rather horrible circumstances that lead to my family separation & ultimately me being placed in the hands of my mom.
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