Let's start this plant journey. I'll be sharing stuff about what I'm growing, seeing or finding on this thread. 🌹🌿🌱☘️🌾🌿
I don't know the name of the thick leafed plant (those are paint specs). I've had this for 4 months and it was just a leafless twig when I got it from a friend. I love it because it can go for days without water. The rest are golden pothos propagating.
Variegated Arrowhead vine.

I saw this one in a thicket somewhere in Nyeri and rooted it and it's slowly growing. Very low maintenance. You'll notice that I don't buy most of my plants. 😆 Also I'm getting used to having plants indoors.. I need cuter pots.
Another beautiful morning filled with birds chirping, humidity and bananas. #farmlife
My butternut pumpkin seeds germinated. 🎃
Remember those golden pothos that I snipped and dipped in a water jar? Now they have rooted. They are ready to be planted. 😍😍
I'm also doing the same to rosemary. On my IG highlights ( @jeanwandimi) you can see how I propagated rosemary.
I don't remember the name of this mint but it smells nice. I got cuttings and within 2 months it's overflowing.
When you get mint cuttings, they'll probably look wilty for the first week then take off later. Water religiously. If you miss a day, they'll dry.

There's like 5 types of mint here.
I also learned from @ForeverMoe_ on IG that you don't have to spend an arm and a leg for costly plant pots. Buy affordable plastic and ceramic bowls and drill holes, paint etc. These bowls were 67 bob each.
In a bid to slow down from the hamster wheel that is urban life, I forced myself to take on a hobby that did not bring me money but brought me extreme joy, forced me to switch off and reminded me of my childhood. I had to commit to doing it for an hour everyday. How it's going..
Inspired by @Pinterest I started crate farming as well. I used broken tiles on the sides to prevent soil from pouring. I have a bean, Butternut pumpkin and cucumber. Under the mulch is dhania germinating. I'll look for poles and string later for the vines to grow...🌱🌿
Remember the rosemary sprigs I popped in a glass of water a few weeks back? Look at the roots...😍 Now they are ready to be planted in soil.
How to propagate rosemary so that you never have to buy it again... #1
How to propagate rosemary so that you never have to buy it again... #2
More crate farming. I've planted butternut and cucumber..🌿🌱
My mints which looked limp and like they would die when I planted them took off.

I just put them in the shade and watered religiously.
Step by step.
Pumpkin growth from seed. #cratefarming
The weeds are taking over my seed starting station. However I have some dhania/cilantro there. 🌱
#plantswap Plant twitter in NBO. Who has a Variegated rubber plant /Ficus Elastica (white or pink) that I can snip and pot?

I'll bring some nice plant(s) for you too.
How we started vs now.

Crate farming. 🌱🌿 Cant wait for these 🥒 and pumpkin 🎃 to get blooms..
Herb garden inspo.
- Pinterest
I can't wait for my lavender to bloom
Triangular plant shelf ideas. Which is your fave design? 1, 2, 3,or 4?
My little Ashley cucumbers that I'm growing in a crate are starting to flower 😍
I love the little developments in my garden. 🎃
My garden after the morning rain 🌧️🌧️🌧️☔😍😍

Cherry tomatoes
Collard greens
Grew green peppers and a passion fruit from seed.

(That's how it it works but it's still beautiful to watch)💚💚💚☔🌧️
About to pot my new Monstera, Maranta/Calathea and Snake plant 😍😍
I was inspired to add more plants to my collection by @atkelli_ 😍
I know this is not a hanging plant but how cute is my Calathea zebrina? I decided to hang it outdoors before I get more vining plants

You find so many gems on those roadside vendors around Nairobi.
My most stubborn & dramatic plants to grow. Philodendron & Variegated arrowhead vine.
I have to give them some tlc, water and ☀️ consistently.
You can follow @Jeanwandimi.
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