The parks file may be the biggest blunder of the UCP's term. It's sparked opposition and outrage from across the political spectrum. That the UCP felt it necessary to go on the defensive with a PR campaign highlights how bad this is for them.

A short thread:
To me, the root of the issue is this line:

"Recommended option is to not do consultation"
Not only does this take away the opportunity of Albertans to speak on an issue clearly important to them, it flies--hypocritically--in the face of the outrage expressed by Minister Nixon over supposed lack of consultation when the NDP proposed turning Bighorn Country into a park
Skipping consultation not only deprives a needed conversation, it also sets the tone of bad faith.

It's no wonder then that words like "could be shed" are interpreted with the worst intentions.
Or that "(closing)" is interpreted as losing access to the parks and facilities Albertans have come to cherish.
Or that claims of "nothing will be sold" fly in the face of non-consulted plans to "divest" sites.

Trust is gone in this process when it starting point is to skip consultations.
It's why Albertans of all walks of life, many previously apolitical, are up in arms when they see data like these, with 1/3 of parks set to be delisted in some form or another (deregulated or divested)
And these aren't just special interests and NDP-fomented opposition. I'm seeing opposition from all corners on this.

If the UCP truly want to regain trust and credibility with this it will start with pens down on current plans and begin sincere consultation.

In the meantime...
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