Decriminalising suicide is NOT legitimising. There is a difference.

Lets add some nuance to the conversation around why we still rely on punitive measures (jail time) to 'help' someone who is in obvious need of support (suicide survivors).
A quick Google search will show that many of my betters have articulated the need to decriminalise (attempted) suicide for a long time.

Look up Prof T. Maniam's (UKM) work. He has been working on suicide for a very long time, & his research is an invaluable resource.
A lot of the advocacy revolves around repealing/amending S 309 of the penal code.

Broadly, my issue with 309 is this - the silence on any form of help to be rendered to survivors, which should include APPROPRIATE psychiatric intervention & psychosocial support.
This 'silence' is not necessarily a bad thing. Mitigating circumstances (such as an existing mental illness) *could* be taken into account and the court *could* mandate psychiatric intervention as part of a custodial sentence.

But does that happen?
I don't know, but this is what I see.

The "shall be punished.." basically ties the court's hands.

Some argue that this is an irrelevant law we inherited from the British, and I won't disagree.

We should help instead of punish, right?

But why don't we?
I have my own thoughts.
To me, the law is outdated, does not respect human rights principles, and ignores current scientific knowledge, specifically the psychiatry, psychology and psychosocial factors (eg poverty & discrimination, ie inequality & inequity)...
...that influence societal and individual mental health.

But why?
This is why.
Specifically this.

Jail time for attempted suicide is cruel and inhuman punishment, and our reservations to the CRPD allows for it.

We SPECIFICALLY said NOPE to protect OKU/PWD from torture & cruel, inhuman treatment.
This is the punchline.
This is my point.

We can campaign for mental health legal reform on an Act-by-Act basis, but be mindful of the overarching philosophical stand that our country has articulated.
It is this 'philosophy' that guides and shapes the interplay between hard & soft power in our country, and our collective attitudes towards the vulnerable and marginalised.
It's easier to punish people for not following the rules of a broken society rather than fix the society itself.

That's the shortcut that we've almost always taken, with every "sensitive" issue that we've faced as a society.
- Campaign for removal of our reservations to the CRPD (& ratify other core human rights treaties). It will help with legal reform by putting the onus on the govt to amend ALL laws that still allow for torture of OKU or otherwise.

@SenatorRasAdiba @MalaysiaMFA
- Test case/public interest litigation. Challenge bad laws, & set good precedents.

Speak to people like @firdaus_h @nizambashir. This is what they do.

@PusatRakyatLB @AmerBON
- Build allies into a wide front. Lack of legal protections and legal redress affect EVERYONE. Have each others' backs.

@mindakami @relatemalaysia @bolehspace @DrAmerSiddiqPsy


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