Pennsylvania voters, here are various unrelated things to know based on what I’m seeing/hearing:
The satellite elections offices some counties set up as temporary sites for “early voting” are still open in many of those counties for people to drop off ballots or request replacement ballots.

*But satellite offices are not polling places.*

Don’t go there to vote in person.
Trying to drop off your mail ballot? You can hand-deliver it to a county elections office (including one of the satellites) or use a drop box.

*You can’t turn in your voted mail ballot at a polling place to be counted.*

Polling places are for in-person voting only.
Yes, you’re allowed to take a ballot selfie.
In PA, electioneering is prohibited inside polling places and within 10 feet of the entrance of the room where people are voting.

PA Dept of State guidance recommends that voters should still be allowed to vote if wearing buttons, clothes, etc. in support of a candidate:
If you have a mail ballot and want to vote in person instead, you’ll need to bring the ballot and return envelope (I recommend you just bring the whole thing).

Surrender your ballot and envelope to the judge of elections (chief poll watcher), sign affidavit, then vote in person:
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