The national nightmare ends today. One day soon, you'll wake up and not think about who is president for weeks at a time. And it will be glorious. Here are the Top 10 reasons Trump lost his bid for reelection. (Thread...)(1/11)
10. Trump never wanted to be president. He ran to boost his clout so he could make more money off endorsements and TV appearances. He was shocked when he won in 2016 and it's clear from his bizarre, self-defeating behavior he wishes he were elsewhere. He'll get his wish. (2/11)
9. He made a strategic mistake appointing Amy Coney Barrett to the court during the election. He should have told his base he would get her confirmed her after the election. Now his own supporters have one less reason to vote for him. Not great deal making. (3/11)
8. This one is pretty morbid; but a higher percentage of elderly people in red states have died from COVID because they didn't take the pandemic seriously. Unfortunately for Trump, these are his voters and zombies can't vote, so...(4/11)
7. Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Sessions...these are just some of the people on his side that he's made complete fools of. When some of your closest allies want you to fail, you're in big trouble. They want him gone as much as anyone. (5/11)
6. A lot of people hated Hillary Clinton more than they liked Trump. There's no Hillary this time and Joe Biden is far more likable than Trump. Melania probably likes Joe better too. (6/11)
5. A lot of people thought we needed a shake up. Well, how do they enjoy being shook? Not so much. Many of those people regret voting for him. (7/11)
4. Fundamentals: presidents with awful economies don't come back. Presidents who never cross 50% approval don't win reelection. And Trump is not a war president. We reelect war presidents despite contrary impulses. (8/11)
3. Failures: he didn't build the wall and Mexico didn't pay for it; he didn't bring back coal mining; he wasn't the most presidential president ever; he hired only the worst people. Instead of "only I can fix it," he broke nearly everything he touched. (9/11)
2. COVID has killed 232,000 Americans. Mostly because he treated it, like everything else, as a wedge issue. It didn't have to be this way. (10/11)
1. Trump spent the last 4 years insulting and assaulting women, Blacks, recent immigrants, Democrats, liberals, LGBT+ folx, people with disabilities, environmentalists, community organizers, etc. At some point, all that negative energy mobilizes to vote you out of office. (11/11)
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