3 November 2020 Actually! #MAGAanalysis

Remember The Forgotten American

In my social media journey, I used to debate with Democrats a great deal. Especially back in 2016. There was an ideal I attempted and sadly failed to achieve. Civil discourse where we disagree agreeably.
2) Here's what I found. We can always disagree agreeably for a time, if the other soul is willing to be courteous. Those who are not courteous I simply ignore, rapidly. I stopped blocking them since I learned that non-response succeeds. If you stop, they soon stop. It's awesome.
3) It's a critically important point. Our enemies thrive upon the energy we give them. The moment we stop giving them our energy they fall upon energy deficit. Lies do not energize the liar. Foolish credibility energizes liars. They seek rubes, dupes, fools.
4) Getting back to the debate. I found a single question in 2016 that dumbfounded my many liberal debate partners. The debate always went South after I asked this one question:

Is there such a thing as the forgotten American?
5) Exhausted, unlike our tireless President, I wasn't able to watch the Grand Rapids rally last night. What I can tell you is that in 2016, in the same final rally, the Forgotten American was point number 1. To this day I theorize that was the most important point.
7) It was during our project of writing our book that I discovered the logical basis of the term: The Forgotten American. The simple logic is devoid of emotion. It is actually a purely mathematical concept, yet its far reaching implications cannot be measured.
8) A, a person who is likely a politician or an academic, postulates that B has suffered unfairly in our society.

B is very likely to agree.

A proposes a solution for B's problem.

The solution requires that C pay for B's benefit.

C is the Forgotten American.
9) While powerful, profound, that's an intellectual, academic definition. It must be understood, but it does NOT bring us home to the full truth. What we must face is that America is a two-tiered system. There are those above and those below. The opposite of our founder's design.
10) Allow me to list the China Stooge Presidents again:

1) Carter
2) Bush 41
3) Clinton
4) Bush 43
5) Obama
11) Each of these Presidents sold out America to highest paying bidder on earth, China. And who did they sell out? The Forgotten American, that's who. They sold our factories and our jobs. They used every power of taxation and international trade agreement to do so.
12) Let's be clear. China's workers are slaves. The question was slave labor versus American expertise. Quality was sold out. Environmental protections were sold out. Free Trade was the euphemism employed. Free? Our factories taxed, China's not taxed. That's Free Trade.
13) More, we subsidized transport for Chinese products. It was cheaper for a Chinese company to ship a product to Des Moines Iowa, than for a company in Chicago Illinois. Many of these regulations are still in tact. Don't let me get started on our universities and China!
14) The number I have, I'm not quite sure of it, is 70,000 factories shipped to China, Mexico, and other nations around the world under the terms of the China Stooge Presidents listed above. How many millions of jobs would that entail? How many forgotten cities and towns?
15) I number myself in the lot of forgotten Americans. Once upon an early '90s moment, I was yelled, shouted at, and cursed out of court over a civil suit I attempted and failed to execute. My constitutional rights were abrided and I had no recourse. My rights were forgotten.
16) Trump never forgets us. He remembers the forgotten Americans. He remembers who pays for what. He remembers who is coerced, forced by the limitless power of government to bend the knee and comply. Trump remembers us, and will never forget.
17) So, what about those debates I used to have? I found a debate-stopping question. Here it is:

Is there such a thing as the forgotten American?

Once I asked that question the hemming and hawing led to rapid silence. By the way, in a debate, silence is a thing.
18) To the best of my ability, I adhere to a standard once called chivalrous. When I am defeated in debate, I celebrate my opponent's victory over me. I never expect to be right. I hope and intend to be. But, he who finds my errors is my friend. That's chivalry in debate.
19) My left leaning friends are not, I hate to say it, chivalrous. They do not take defeat with grace. Rather, the ONLY signal of defeat they express is...silence. When you win a debate with liberal left opponents, the ONLY way you know you won is silence.
20) Hear the question again:

Is there such a thing as the forgotten American?

You and I know Trump's answer. He sees us. He recognizes us. He pledges loyalty to us. He promises never to forget us. We the forgotten, under Trump will be remembered.

That matters.
21) It is very important to hold onto the details of precisely how we were forgotten. A factory in America is taxed and regulated. Americans are the best workers in the world and require real compensation for the incredible value they add to every product they work on.
22) When you close down an American factory and relocate it to China, you instantly benefit from zero regulations, complete freedom to pollute and exploit your slave labor. You're also NOT taxed by the CCP. Thing of that. There's more! Interest free capital. Yep!
23) The CCP controls every single bank in China. If it tells a bank to offer an interest free loan, what banker may gainsay its overlord? What about tariffs? Before Trump, China faced almost none but placed tariff barriers against almost all American products.
24) It gets worse. Coming into the US, every one of those Chinese products generated sales taxes at the retail level. None of our products going into China, all of their products coming in and generating revenues to our dirty politicians, every step of the way.
25) It's critical that you understand the tax component. An American factory pays taxes on every dollar of revenue and enjoys no advantages in entry to China's vast market. A Chinese manufacturer pays NO taxes, shipping subsidized, has free access to America's vast market.
26) Told that you're getting a lower cost product, you go to Walmart and pay for a cheap. low quality Chinese product far more than you'd pay for a high quality American made product. And you're told that if we tariff China, you'll pay even more. You're the forgotten American.
27) Go the other direction. America's corporations are anything other than corrupt and in the Democratic Party's pocket. Not just Democrats. The Swamp Republicans are every bit as guilty. The worst example of such crony capitalism I know is the health insurance industry.
28) Forget Obamacare. They were corrupt as long as I've been alive. How is it that health insurance companies continue to enjoy state level monopolies? Why can't companies suffer competition across state lines? Pure corruption is the answer.
29) When you live in Massachusetts, but can't purchase a policy available to citizens of New Hampshire, that is crony capitalism at work, and government corruption all built upon your status as simply a forgotten American. Examples may be multiplied.
30) What is Defund The Police? One more means of keeping the forgotten American unworthy of remembrance. The very purpose of society is to protect the rights of the weak against the strong. The local face of that ultimate mission are our police.
31) On this day, a vote for Trump is a vote to be remembered. A vote for Biden is a vote to be forgotten all over again, one more time. After he smells your daughter's hair, Biden will not remember you or your daughter.
32) Within our Constitution, the Bill of Rights that has shown itself to be the most important component over the centuries. And of those enumerated rights, numbers 1 & 2 are obviously the most important. Free speech and the right to bear arms to protect the right of speech.
33) Our rights may be rightly reduced to these four:

1) Life
2) Liberty
3) The Pursuit of Happiness
4) Property
34) The man who threatens to take your property destroys your right of the pursuit of happiness. He who steals that from you threatens your liberty. And he who takes your life defines you as unworthy of memory, of remembrance. As your rights are forgotten so are you forgotten.
35) My call is that Trump has this handily. I see no key state leaning against him. I see all of America wanting to be remembered, to be recognized. No politician in our lifetime has so expressed his love, loyalty, life, and sacred honor. His pledge? He will never forget us.
Thread ends at #35.
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