I'm afraid we're lost in translation. Macron, unlike his english counterparts, belongs to ENA-educated elite, that communicate using technical terms w common established definitions. He doesn't say "globalisme" for example, he says 'multilatéralisme'. Globalism is a vague term.
Google translates "laïcité" as "secularism". This is misleading. Macron doesn't make reference to history of secularism & secular states, he's not that naïve. If you are in ENA (or in any legal/administrative school) you study whole volumes on laïcité using its strict definition.
For better or for worse, for Macron laïcité is synonym of "religious neutrality applied de facto and de juro". I criticise laïcité, as naive utopia that can't stand Islamic & other threats. But laïcité, technically, is not secularism. US is secular, for example, without laïcité.
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