Massively enjoyed @yassmin_a talking to us about #BlackHistoryMonth in a belated celebration @brands2life - talking to the experience of blackness, Britain's post-imperial identity crisis, the fragmentation of identity and more. Her perspective as a multiple-migrant is familiar!
She also talked about
* The importance of understanding history and its relevance on today's cultural context
* The importance of showing up and taking action personally
* The importance of moving the baseline
Yassmin talked about the value of sponsorship, of taking a chance on people's whose world's are different to yours.

Of not doing this as a saviour, but for the good it will bring.

Of redefining what looks like an acceptable norm to build a better, more diverse future.
On the rise of the idea of anti-racism, and what that means for us all.

On the concept of the position of privilege that comes from *not* being within a system of oppression, and what that empowers you to do.

On developing the 'muscle' to act when you need to act.
"Each and every one of us has the potential to transform someone's life."

How intentional are you with your impact?

Can we transcend the discomfort, to learn, grow and make a difference?
Grateful to @KatParkyn and @KindaJackson and the wider D&I task force who made this happen, and that we were able to celebrate BHM in this way as a company. Thank you especially @yassmin_a for taking the time.

There was so much more. What a great talk.
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