This comment got me thinking and I just don't see it as the best approach

Your goal shouldn't be to become the best football player or the best trader. That's an unachievable goal for most

Your goal should be to become better then you were yesterday, even by a small margin
Some days the margin will be small and some days big. Some days it's gonna be a letdown.

If you gonna compare yourself with the best at your current state you won't climb that hill but if you compare yourself to your yesterday self now you can make that happen. That's doable
All these crazy goals like being the best and doing 500 reps if you can't even make 10 are just gonna let you down even more.

But if you make 10 and then you push yourself to make 11 the next day. Maybe, just maybe you will be able to make 500 in a few years.
This approach will also keep you engaged. It will keep you happy with your current progress because each day you have improved as a person.

And that alone will push you to do more.

But if your goal was "to be the best" each day you are not is a letdown.
It doesn't matter if your friend runs 10 km and you can only do 2. Maybe you are in a bad shape but you do not want to compete with him cause you won't win.

You need to compete with yourself and beat the guy you were yesterday. Beat that and then maybe you will beat your friend
This is an approach that's doable and can ultimately actually make become the best but it starts with each day.

It's an approach I use every day of my life and if I crumble for a day or a week it doesn't matter cause I'll get back up and beat my old self.

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