As a hacker, I know how to get a reaction fast — emotional content. Here to say that today you’ll likely see election misinformation that feels emotional. This is bc the emotional part of our brain reacts faster than the rational part — manipulators want you to react too quickly.
Know the signs manipulators use to encourage a quick, emotional response — especially during the election. Don’t fall for it, allow a few minutes for your rational brain to take over (requires conscious effort). Here’s an example of this emotional (amygdala) hijacking in action:
The amygdala acts fast — the emotional center of our brain was designed to protect us before we can think clearly. Our best defense against election emotional hijacking? *Time*. If emotional content encourages action, take 5-10 mins to research/read before taking suggested action
Ask yourself: what keeps me up at night worried? Your answers to that question are what manipulators would use in misinformation to hijack emotional reaction. If you’re worried about machines down, foul play, votes counting, results, etc — that’s what bad actors would show you.
Be politely paranoid and skeptical, put time and research between you and emotional content and you’ll allow your rational brain to take over and avoid falling for election misinformation. We can do this, it just takes a bit more time than we’re used to.
I have a degree in neuroscience and love learning about the neural pathways that dictate human reaction. If you want to learn more about amygdala hijacking check out this brief overview to start:
I also recommend referencing the @CISAgov @CISAKrebs misinformation tracker and election rumor busting site here for more context about likely lies you might encounter during the election: 
Here’s an example of emotional content that manipulators could use to hijack amygdalas in real time. Remember: electronics stop working sometimes, this does not indicate interference. Put time between this message & our reaction. A reset often takes care of an electronics issue.
And as a follow up to this timely example, the machines are back up! If we give time before reacting after emotional info, we avoid falling into manipulation traps. Manipulators worried folks into thinking votes were tampered with, when in reality the machines just needed a break
Another example of misinformation in real time. Some folks are worried about long lines — manipulators use that concern to build misinformation on that exact topic. Talk w/ family/friends about their worries, help them avoid falling into manipulation traps based on their worries.
If you’re interested in keeping up to date with election misinformation to stay informed about the amygdala hijacking attempts you may see today and going forward, another strong resource is by @JaneLytv at @BuzzFeed here:
You can follow @RachelTobac.
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