Today’s an important day you handsome and gorgeous lot. Georgia, we have two senate seats, and so many local representatives to select. Exercise your voice. Voter suppression is on the rise for a reason. If you requested an absentee ballot but didn’t mail it out, that’s okay.
Take it with you to make your process easier. If you have children like we do, have a plan. Bring your carriers or your stroller, snacks, entertainment, warmth, comfort. Pack like a weekend at someone who is new to watching kids.
Remember your little ones are people too, & while you want them to understand the importance of voting, you don’t want them to view it negatively bc you didn’t prepare for them & suffer for hours. You also don’t want to not vote because you didn’t prepare and there’s a wait.
Also, don’t be afraid of the measures needed to keep your children safe. Enforce Social distancing, Lysol spray, disinfectant wipes, mask, hand sanitizer, and a steel baseball bat.
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