Inspired by @GMCycleHiveMind's great thread on the cost of cycling, I've taken a look at how much my commute would cost depending on how I travelled.
I'm self-employed, and often juggling two or three clients at the same time. Pre-covid, this meant I could be working in-house two or three days a week, and the rest at home. Season tickets only save you money if you're commuting four or more days.
I live about six miles from Manchester city centre. It's £19 on the train for a weekly ticket, or £16 if I'm buying three day returns. That's £768 a year.

For the bus, it's £16.50 for a MegaRider (weekly ticket) or £15 for three DayRiders (day tickets). That's £720 a year.
Journey time's a major consideration. The train takes only 10 minutes but it's 15 mins' walk at either end.

The nearest bus is conveniently door to door, but in rush hour the journey takes 45 minutes, or more if there's a match on or the weather's bad.
I'm fortunate in that there's a relatively safe cycle route for me to get to work, and somewhere safe to lock up at the end. It takes around 35 minutes, and I'm rarely held up by traffic because 80% of my route is either on protected cycleways or quiet back roads.
So: cycling is cheaper, faster, and more reliable than the two other options open to me. I'm using a bike I've had for 17 years – it's nothing fancy, and cost me under £200 when new. I spend less than £200 on maintenance most years.
I wear everyday clothes, cycle at a pace that means I'm not hot and sweaty at the end of my journey, and the only specialist gear I own is a couple of pannier bags that can carry all my stuff to work.
For those who can, cycling to work is much cheaper than travelling by bus or train, especially if you're part time. It's also a great way to build activity into your day.

Anyone who tells you cycling is expensive needs to either spend less time in Rapha or is telling you porkies
PS None of this is possible unless there's a safe route from A to B. Let's make sure the Bee Network gets built.
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