It's ok if you still have some doubts about whether you are "really trans" or "trans enough".

It's ok if that voice didn't just suddenly disappear.

It's ok if you have doubts.

It's also ok if you need to stop transitioning or take a step back or change your mind. But...
You know what's a fun thought I had after waking up after surgery yesterday?

"What if I'm not trans?"

Now I know that voice because it has been around for years.

I also know it's a lie. That it doesn't hold up to any sort of scrutiny. It's rare and quiet thought at this point.
But it is still there sometimes.

Mind you, I know I am trans and I know that transition has been the best thing I have ever done for myself.

It has become incredibly easy to laugh it off. It's nothing more than an annoying fruit fly at this point. But it never quite left.
It's been almost 3 years since I started coming out at this point. The voice used to be all encompassing, it used to be a roaring scream of fear and uncertainty and doubt.

With time it lost its momentum. With time my arguments against it become stronger and easier to make.
Having these doubts, hearing that voice, doesn't make you any less trans. It doesn't mean this is a mistake or that you shouldn't transition anyways.

Not just because you might still be trans, but also because it's ok to be wrong & to change your mind. It's ok to stop any time.
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