On voting today, a thread:
The sage Bruria taught her husband, Rabbi Meir, not to pray for the demise of evildoers, but for the end of their evil, citing the verse in Psalm 104: "May sins vanish from the earth, and may the wicked be no more"--sins, not sinners. (And once no sins, then no wicked.) (2/n)
Today I walked to the polls with my daughters singing "Yitamu chata'im min ha'aretz..." And I cast a ballot to end so much harm that has been done. So much cruelty. So much needless suffering. (3/n)
Joe Biden wasn't my first choice, or my second. (I had to be matir neder to vote for him, and was, but that's another story.) I am still deeply pained by how much misogyny both Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren faced, and what it says about our country. (4/n)
If Biden is elected, I will have to turn right around and keep fighting, because I don't really trust his instincts or his crew. Nothing about this is perfect.

But voting is not an exercise in personal branding. It's not my chance to tell you how savvy I am. (5/n)
And pretending that it is, that I am too pure to vote for a Democrat so I will cast an (at-best) meaningless vote for a third party, will hurt those who can least afford it. (6/n)
So I cast a vote today for a flawed candidate, from a flawed party, for the sake of being able to fight forward towards a more perfect union.

יִתַּ֤מּוּ חַטָּאִ֨ים מִן־הָאָ֡רֶץ וּרְשָׁעִ֤ים ע֤וֹד אֵינָ֗ם בָּרֲכִ֣י נַ֭פְשִׁי אֶת־ה

And, just in case it was not totally clear: I honored *all* of my values--as a chalav-yisrael-keeping, not -eruv-using, ideologically Modern Orthodox, patriotic institutionalist American lefty, frum feminist woman--in doing so. (8/7)
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