Inspired by @webmonkeyash - I've decided to make my own thread about...

✍️ Content Writing
🤑 Making money

Last month my 6-month-old content team hit a personal best of 500,000 words. ✍️

This month we're going to hit 1,000,000.

All optimized in @surfer_seo 😎
I've been in a major slump the past few weeks caused by burnout, broken ribs, split up with GF, and it's amplified by the lockdown. 🦴

I'm in a good spot though... compared to others... food on my plate, a roof over my head, profitable business, 0 reasons to complain really.
But I've got 5 weeks left before I'm fully healed up. So I decided to set myself a new challenge to keep myself busy.

In the next 4 weeks, I want to double the amount of content we're producing without the stress I was putting myself under before.
Launched my first company newsletter last week announcing my plans to the team. The first thing on the list is a rebrand away from .

Link City is great and it got us to where we're at today but it's time to create something a little bit more professional
Our content process goes like this:

1⃣ - Client Provides KW + Brief
2⃣ - Someone with SEO experience structures the article, creates a thorough brief for writers based on competition.
3⃣ - Writer creates the content
4⃣ - Content goes to an editor for a final check
Getting sales for another 500,000 words won't be the challenging bit.

In fact, I think that's the easy bit. The concern is scaling without sacrificing quality. I'll explain later what we've done to ensure this never happens.
I was also putting myself under an unhealthy amount of stress. I took a trip to Krakow to calm down and slowed down the last few weeks.

So here's how we'll be minimising stress:
We will be taking orders via  @spp_app and using Zapier to import all the orders KWS into google sheets.

I was getting pinged daily on Skype, Facebook & Email. It was starting to get to me. I'm moving the majority of client communication to SPP.
We've automated our Google sheets so it's structured like a conveyor belt type system.

Master Sheet > Prepping Sheet > Content Repositary

All of this feeds back to our master finance sheet too.

I can show how this is done later on.
To cope with the new volume of content we've split the team up into three sub-teams and put a team manager in each team.

It's their job to:
🔵 - Evaluate team progress
🔵 - Grade their teams work
🔵 - Upskill if needed
🔵 - Report back to me
We also have a new part-time account manager who will help me keep clients up to date on their projects. I can't always be there. So this will help a LOT!
I've stumbled into loads of issues that are probably pretty common with growing service-based businesses / remote teams. I'll be writing about them and what I've done to overcome them.

And if you need content in the meantime, drop me a DM!

New brand will be here next week 🤞
You can follow @craigd0412.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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