How to dismantle female rights in a democracy without people noticing.

This is how.

We are half of humanity, a biological half, and so we were once afforded specific 'biologically female half of humanity' legal recognition, and specific 'biologically based legal rights'.
How to dismantle that?
Like this.

Divide our biological existence into disparate, disconnected body parts.

Refer to us as if each part was a different type of person.
Each a different issue.
No connection to a singular type of person.
People with vaginas.
Cervix Havers.
People going through menopause
Not one recognisable class.
Totally different, unrelated people.
Totally different issues.
You couldn't possibly give these disconnected body part owners one singular name or recognise them as a singular common biological class in law.

Not any more.
And all previous rights that did once belong to that archaic biological class that has been dismantled into its constituent parts, well they are all the domain now, of men, thanks to 'identity' recognition.

Because 'men' have these parts too, right?
So rights once relating to biology, are subverted, and now are the domain of men too.

Rights once relating to biology, are converted to rights relating to identity.

What happened to the recognition and rights that once belonged to the half of humanity sharing a biology?

Having now carved us up, presented the illusion that each of our body parts is unconnected, unrelated, inexplicably owned by utterly different people, they can pretend that there's no need to recognise the biological class that has ALL those parts.

Here's how that works.
The rules.

No-one may suggest that menstruators/cervix-havers/vagina people are ALL ONE CLASS.
Absolutely no one is permitted to legally recognise that entire class and afford rights to it.

Single body part issues only.
You can talk about people with vaginas.
But you CAN'T point out that they're the same people as the menstruators you were talking about last week.
You can't make connections between menstruators and equal pay.
Or child marriage.
You mustn't correlate uteruses with, say, political underrepresentation.
Or domestic violence.

You pretend that these are Totally Different Issues, probably totally different people, nothing to see here.
And you definitely, definitely can't demand that 'people with vaginas', 'cervix havers' 'pregnant people' or 'menstruators' are recognised as ONE CLASS in law and given rights.
Do you see Amnesty lobbying for specific legal recognition of the specific class of people who need abortion rights?
Like hell you do.

Amnesty are terribly terribly concerned about the people in Poland who will be imprisoned for exerting bodily autonomy, they say.
That's lovely, Amnesty.

Enough to lobby for clear recognition of that specific biological class in law, and rights relating to it?
Hell no. Not that.

Amnesty know the rules.
Talk about individual body parts.
But only one at a time.
Don't EVER name or recognise the entire class of people who have them.

OPPOSE any specific recognition of those particular biological people in ALL legal frameworks.

People with identities get named, and get legal rights.
People with a biology do not.

Those are the rules.
Now abortion rights are men's rights too.

Now, men get to dictate cervical screening effectiveness.

Restrictions placed upon pregnant people can't be discriminatory because they affect 'men' too.
Female biology is carved up, disconnected, scattered to the four winds and men are assigned legal ownership rights over each individual one of these.

Female rights have become men's rights. People's rights.
Female people aren't recognised as a biological class any longer.

There's no such thing as the biological half of humanity that need certain rights.

There's no law giving any recognition or any overall rights to the entire cervix-haver/menstruator/pregnant person class.
Those people are all disconnected, all separate, who's to even say they're the same people?
They're a dismantled, unrecognised group, with dismantled, unrecognised rights.

This is how they are doing it.
That's how it's been done.

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