Tis the first hour of #ElectionDay on the West Coast (12:45 am) and mom decided to make a huge batch of soy milk 豆浆 from scratch. None of that watery stuff from the store.

Seeing mom stir the pot is soothing & very witchy! Cast that spell 妈妈!

#Election2020 #AAPIsForBiden
Video description: large pot on the stove with a person gently stirring soy milk with frothy white foam on the top
Another soothing view of a pot of blended soy beans & water on the stove. Mom says you gotta stir constantly, if it boils over, you’re screwed.

Video description: Large pot being gently stirred by a metal spatula. This time there is steam rising
Did I mention another family member is baking chocolate chip cookies? It is 1:30 am and I just stuffed my mouth with 2 of them.

The entire home is steamy & buttery right now 😍🍪

Fortifying myself for what’s to come
The slowly cooked soy milk looks very rich now.

Beforehand mom soaked the soy beans in water overnight and blended them with some water before pouring it in the big ass pot
But wait, it’s not over! After being cooked and stirred constantly the soy milk is now ladled into another pot with cloth to strain any particles. Anyone tired yet?

Let’s face it: the old & slow ways are the best ways! And respect yo elders
Video description: a person ladling soy milk with a small metal pot from a large ass pot into another pot with a cloth affixed on top for straining
Last steps: squeezed the remaining milk from the cloth which is sitting over a fine mesh strainer. Added a few chunks of rock sugar, not processed white sugar.

When I asked how much, mom just gave me A LOOK 🤷🏻‍♀️

Should have known better 😭
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