Based on years of firsthand experience I’ve helpfully put together this emotional guide to watching the US elections so you know what to expect....
Initial nail-biting hand stage...(this stage is likely to come and go throughout the entire process)
The “You’ve got this America” stage. Disclaimer: this stage is likely to be less pronounced than previous years given decreasing public confidence in Americans.
When Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida and North Carolina results are announced....
Repeated cycling between elation (I.e. happy dancing)....
Countered with periods of devastation (uncontrollable sobbing can be common)...
And even feelings of deep personal betrayal
The unsettling moment you realise maybe you don’t understand what they meant by electoral college votes...
Typically followed by the “it all just feels a bit overwhelming” stage....
And finally - depending on the results and keeping in mind the cycle can sometimes last days - this....
But, who are we kidding, please be prepared for this...
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