Looking back as we face a daunting #COVID19 winter: where did it all go wrong?

- We acted like we had an endless summer: didn't scale up #TestandTrace or plan ahead
- When cases rose, we hesitated. Priority on economy & freedom rather than lives means we're losing all three

We live in a world where a lot of things - politics & the economy in particular - are swayed by feelings & confidence. Politicians are used to being able to 'say things until they're true'.

Sadly, this doesn't work for viruses. Most leaders have not adjusted accordingly.

A lot of breath has been wasted on rhetoric:
' #COVID19 cases WILL come down'
'The economy WILL recover'
'Schools WILL stay open'

#SARSCoV2 cares little for words. Communication & messaging is important, but it is only /action/ that saves lives & livelihoods.

#SARSCoV2 does not care about promises or discussion. It does not care if curfews are unfair or masks are unpopular.

It only waits for opportunity.

When outcomes are promised without doing the action to get there, we back ourselves into corners where #COVID19 is waiting.

We must demand more than rhetoric from our governments. Fast action makes all the difference - we know this.

We can change the course of this pandemic - but not through empty promises. As we head into winter, let's make clear that we expect better from our leaders.

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