I'm confident in a Biden/Harris win but woke up enraged. It's going to take at least 16 years to get the USA back on a positive trajectory because of Donald. Covid 19 can be contained, hopefully by 2021 but the racism & xenophobia he made mainstream will linger. People chose him.
Trump had all the information needed to contain covid but instead decided to let people die since it impacted predominantly Black & brown people. Trump knew a covid 19 surge was coming in rural areas but he hoped it would hit after November 3. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5f8f152bc5b69daf5e16fc0a
Donald literally kidnapped children (real Qanon?) & the people who supported that decision are trying to act like they're heroes for coming forward during the election. They profited off of his racism, xenophobia & his daily chaos campaign.
Republicans have spent decades trying to keep people from voting & now trying to stop votes from being counted. They spent none of this time trying to protect Americans from contracting & dying from covid 19. They will try to distance themselves from Donald like a coffee boy.
Republicans have always been the party of racism, voter suppression & xenophobia. They don't like Trump's overt racism & prefer subtle systemic racism that keeps white men at the top of the racial caste system. Reagan Republicans are fine with racism & xenophobia as a wedge issue
Plutocrats have 2 options to stay in power, implement policies that benefit more people (nope, because they hate poor people, Black people & Hispanic people) or consolidate power to increase minority rule (aka gerrymandering & voter suppression). https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/8/8/1687864/-Make-America-Again
Republicans didn't remove Trump after he was impeached because they're complicit. Lamar Alexander concedes Trump did it. Republicans have rigged elections for decades. GOP admits if Black people voted Republican, voter ID laws wouldn't exist. https://www.vox.com/2016/9/2/12774066/voter-id-laws-racist
Republicans tried to add a citizenship question to suppress Hispanic Census responses that “would clearly be a disadvantage to the Democrats” & “advantageous to Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to a document filed in federal court. https://thinkprogress.org/thomas-hofeller-trump-census-racist-rigging-5ab9f81864bd/
Republicans don't want DC or Puerto Rico to get statehood because they have no plan to win those voters, mostly nonwhite, with any policy ideas. Trump is not an aberration. The Republican party created him for over 50 years & are switching sides, temporarily, after their arson.
MAGA meant bringing back 1968 civil unrest, the 1929 economic crash, the 1918 Spanish flu & the 1861 failed confederacy all at the same damn time. In a few more hours it will be over & Donald will try to burn the country to the ground until January 20. Will Republicans stop him?
"26 women have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct. VICE News' Isobel Yeung has spoken to several of these women and they’ve agreed to share their stories with us. "
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