Conservatives are WOEFULLY unprepared for this.

To see why, try asking any conservative to argue against this video WITHOUT using the emotionally/historically-loaded words #socialism and #communism.

They can't do it.
What's crazy about this rush to call the video "communism" (a meme started, as far as I can tell by the "conservative" blogger @sullydish), is that the rope in the video literally represents...

Far from being "communists," neoliberal Democrats have a mystical faith in capitalism's ability to solve social problems.

They argue: "If we just ensure that struggling, inner-city communities get as much economic capital as bougie suburbs, their crime problems will disappear!"
Kamala's tactical redefinition of the economic term "equity" to include the logic of both #progressivism and #AffirmativeAction ("those with less deserve more") is intentional.

She's trying to convince the black community to say: "Equality is not enough; we want Equity!"
This is how the stage will be set for the Democrat version of #reparations: an economic program aimed at bringing #equity (get it?) to struggling black communities.

They'll sell this to #progressives as a long journey to "defunding police" (who won't be needed as much, anymore).
If conservatives think they are going to defeat this by calling it #socialism or #communism, they're crazy.

All that will do is improve the connotation of these historic words by associating them with the good-hearted (if misguided) intentions of the American People.
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