The #ElectionDay results will not be DISPUTED simply because Democrats want them to be. This #RedMirage intel shows their plans. Project Veritas has them on tape admitting they've been CHEATING in elections for past 50 years! That's why #Trump2020Landslide victory is imminent.
At the crux of the issue is the Democrat Socialists of America out of D.C. They, too, caught by Project Veritas as actually being a COMMUNIST FRONT GROUP - not "socialist" as they claim.
These anti-Americans aka the Bureaucrat Class inside Washington, D.C. literally working for the US government (infiltration) while on tape actually admitting to SUBVERSION (via @Millie__Weaver docs) are "afraid to strike" bc they'll lose their Fed Jobs.
What this means is the real infiltrators behind the scenes who are organizing this communist "revolution" to overthrow the US government are being paid by the American Taxpayers they DESPISE (smelly Walmart ppl) while simultaneously working to WEAKEN our Nation.
They are, in fact, agents of the ongoing seditious conspiracy happening inside the gates of the country. They are in every nook and cranny of the Federal, State, and local governments. Commies too AFRAID to go on strike because then they'd be off the teet of the US taxpayer!
They are leeches feeding off the Working Class people of our country abusing the PRIVILEGE of working for the Government(s). They do NOT have the best interests of all Americans at hand. They desire more POWER that protects them (the Beauracracy; the PROCESS) which hinders growth
and pollutes the actual functioning of said governments' roles. They're actively bragging about attempting to "take over" the @WhiteHouse & taking TV stations hostage for air time. These are Bill Ayers Weather Underground types. This is why @realDonaldTrump = Insurrection Act.
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