Thread: 5 years ago, as a young Masters student at the LSE, it was an honour for me to attend the annual Amartya Sen lecture. After the event, a big dinner was set up for Dr. Sen. Big dignitaries from across London were there for the dinner.
Along with a few other Masters students, I stood outside the hall. I had just one wish - to get my copy of the Argumentative Indian autographed by one of the greatest economists in the world. The guard tried to shoo us away. Dr. Sen saw us outside and left the dinner to meet us.
He left his guests to sit with some students. He spoke to us, autographed our books, clicked photos with us. That was the day I realized why Dr. Sen is truly successful. It’s because he values the core reason he got into teaching - his students.
Dr. Sen isn’t in the profession for the laurels. He is in it because he lives the very tenets of academics. The fact that he left big politicians and government servants to speak to five Masters students is the reason I will always look up to him.
Happy birthday, Amartya da. You are truly a living legend.
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