We haven't had any doomsday clock updates in a while. So I'm going to make an unofficial one. As I begin typing this it is 26 minutes until midnight here in Central Illinois. 26 minutes until the most important day in of the last 50 years. Everything hinges on what we do today
America is divided. We just are. We stand on opposite sides of issues that have always been. We stand on opposite sides of issues that weren't even issues a few short years ago. Its hard to pinpoint exactly where we went wrong, but it was long before 2016.
When I was a kid, all I ever heard about it seems was the hole in the Ozone layer. A clear and present danger making some parts out Australia even more deadly to live in than normal. It caused a measurable global heatwave and the whole world agreed it was a problem.
The science was accepted without a debate. Without riots. We imposed regulations on aerosol and refrigerants and after a few years the Earth healed. Because we saw a problem we had created, and we worked as a species to solve it. 25 years later, where are we?
We live in a world where there is so much intentional disinformation spread that you have to really dig to find answers. Where something as simple as "The second most contagious virus ever identified is sweeping the globe. Please wash your hands, wear masks and stay home." is...
We have a world of information at our fingertips, literally, and we are incapable of finding it, processing it, or even believing it.
We live in a world where we never took the time to learn the lessons our grandparents tried to teach.
Half of us cannot look at history and relate it to modern society. This is how entire civilizations have fallen. We can learn that by reading on our phones that we always look at anyway but so many people cannot wrap their brain around a simple concept.
A concept such as "people beholden to the whims of a single man are doomed to fall. Only by governing as a group, a tribal council or tribunal of congress or forum or democracy can both survive and thrive." And an idea such as "All men are created equal."
Those words were written by men who didn't truly understand them. The world at the time hadn't woken up to its own atrocity. "If it didn't happen to me, it didn't happen." "If I'd didn't hurt me, then it didn't hurt."
But today, we mostly understand what those words truly mean.
We know that, to us, to a modern world, all men means all humans. An atheist free thinker and a trangender person have just as much claim to freedom as anyone who's mantra is "I was taught to believe..."

At least... I hope enough of us do.
I'm scared. I'll go a step further and say scared shitless. Tomorrow and the days that follow make or break the American experiment. Either we stand up and say "No more. This will not be tolerated any longer," or we go down swinging. Because that's the only two options we have.
Good luck, America. Youre going to need it. Every bit you can scrape up.

Go vote. Vote with your heart. Hopefully enough of us find our hearts in the right place.

If you've read this far, please RT. I want as many people to see this as possible.

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