I know I mostly use socials these days for chaotic neutral mischief, work posts or charity, and that can seem like I’m bowing out of important conversations. I’m not, I’m just focusing on my reality more and protecting my mental health better than previous years.

That said-
- tomorrow has the potential to be very anxiety inducing and triggering for a lot of people, no matter the outcome (or if we get one that day at all). Please remember not just to check on at risk loved ones, but yourself as well. Make sure you navigate tomorrow safely.
I know I’m no expert. I know ‘it’s easy for me to say in my privileged position’. I know. But it doesn’t make it less true. Prioritizing your health and ability to get thru stressful life events is important - YOU are important. Whatever happens, please remember that.
You can follow @zeldawilliams.
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