It’s election eve, and even though I know I don’t need to sell @katieporteroc to OC voters, I’m going to do it anyway. I’ve been trying to share my personal photos and stories as a way to help people feel more of a connection to the person as well as the politician.

The person she is is what makes Katie an exceptional politician. When I first met her she was “just” another mom here in town. I think the first conversation we had was about how hard it is to find a preschool spot here in town.
As a single mom, Katie brought her kids along to everything and she encouraged me to do the same. Even though my son is several years younger than her kids, all of them get along extremely well and he is happy to tag along with them anywhere they go.
Until Katie, I had assumed that most politicians were rich and insulated from the real world. It’s quite possible that most are. But not Katie. Katie drives a minivan with 100k miles. Katie and fam are frequent visitors of the local library and offer to return books for me.
No matter what is going on, Katie takes a moment to respond to whatever ridiculous joke or meme I send her. She answers my parenting questions. I’ve never seen someone delegate tasks so efficiently. She gave our kids a briefing before they started an Easter egg hunt.
Katie is one of the most genuine and down to earth people I’ve met, and all of this is on top of being one of the most impressive politicians I’ve ever met. Everything she does in Congress is rooted in who she is as a person, and that person is phenomenal.
So know that your vote for Katie is a vote for someone who always puts people over party, who spends her days working toward a better future for her family, for my family, and especially for your family. It’s a vote for kindness and for someone who will never stop fighting.
Tomorrow is our last chance to get out there and make a difference. Help us cross the finish line stronger than we were at the start.

(End thread, although I might come back with further thoughts...)
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