On election's eve, gov./media investigators are sitting on undisclosed hard evidence on a historic intelligence scandal impacting Biden and Trump. I know because I offered/provided it to them. Beyond this article, here is what many worked to withhold: https://taibbi.substack.com/p/the-spies-who-hijacked-america
The scandals (Russiagate, Spygate, what President Trump calls Obamagate) are much worse than has been revealed for our democracy. They started earlier; penetrated deeper into campaigns/the U.S. government; involved more senior U.S./foreign officials...
went on longer after being exposed as frauds; more intentionally deceived/coopted top media; and perhaps most importantly, were based from the start on more obviously false or fraudulent foundations than have ever been publicly exposed.
There is hard evidence to support all these statements on the way. It means stories sold to you (including under oath) by former officials like FBI's Comey, McCabe, Strzork; CIA's Brennan; leading Congressional officials and others together don't add up. It leads to 3 Key Points.
Point 1: Government Investigators not only failed you and the Constitution, they damaged this election. It is almost a year since I provided key information to John Durham's team, and months since I told him I needed to reach out to other investigators due to his teams' inaction
The key to knocking down this house of cards, is showing how it all started, by calling central individuals like Christopher Steele, Stefan Halper, and Halper's FBI Handler Somma, along with the officials they interacted with, to publicly testify and expose the truth.
Pushing gov. officials (including Republicans) to act on their responsibilities before the election has been the goal of the last 3 months. In a functioning democracy, our elected leaders would use evidence to question those involved and publicly reveal the truth before we vote.
The last hope was when the Senate Homeland Security Committee (after months/years of inaction by the Senate Judiciary and other Committees) subpoenaed Halper to appear the other week. Yet the date they demanded for his appearance came and went, while they remained silent.
Not just investigators, but our Constitutional government officials--Democrat and Republican--overseeing investigations have failed us. Not only in Congress, but in the Administration.
President Trump and his Administration have the power to declassify anything. The president can fire any appointee who doesn't. The fact that they haven't revealed the truth should be the most disturbing point for our democracy.
I have never heard the President even speak Halper's name; I have never heard CIA Director Gina Haspel, who was the London Station Chief when and where the FBI claims this investigation started testify on this; pictures of Halper's handler Somma are not found on the web...
After decades of work on national security/intel matters, using "sources and methods" claims to hide Halper and Somma is offensive to legit intel work. Halper and Somma are now public, and intel keeping Congress and the public in the dark seriously threatens America's democracy
Intel leaders lost any credibility or protections when they targeted a U.S. political campaign team and then--as even the misled and conflicted DOJ IG report (which I provided evidence contradicting) concluded--committed major abuses...
Why are Congressional leaders, media, even President Trump, members of his team, protecting those involved? Answers could range from their own links to fraud or crimes, concern about those up for election tomorrow, donor involvement, or fear of intel/law enforcement/foreign intel
Those are questions any independent media in a functioning democracy would see as their fundamental mission to expose. Yet...
Point 2: The media failed democracy. After telling Durham I needed to go public, I reached out to major media (WSJ, WaPo, CBS, etc.) with hard evidence (recordings, documents, emails) showing stories they had pushed with NO hard evidence for years were founded on potential fraud
As we have seen in the alleged Hunter Biden laptop (sat on by the FBI and Media for months); @ggreenwald 's resignation; and countless ways certain media tore our country apart with false Russiagate stories...most objective journalism standards and institutions have died
I say this not as a Republican or Democrat, but an American who naively thought self-proclaimed objective media (WSJ, WaPo, CBS, etc.) would be interested in hard evidence impacting Biden (whose Administration directed Halper's operation) and Trump (it's target) before we vote.
Final Point, 3: I failed. Officials managed to hide this past the election. After trusting DOJ (Mueller, IG, Durham), then Congress/Administration, then media to live up to basic public responsibilities, I was naive and wrong. I waited too long for DOJ, Congress, others to act.
I tried to do what I could as one man. Others out there--in government and elsewhere can confirm the truth but remain silent. Depending on what happens tomorrow, the next few weeks may be our best chance to ensure the truth isn't buried.
My hope now is that after the election, officials in the Congress and Administration will finally fulfill their responsibilities--call Halper, Somma, and others to testify and reveal the truth to the American people. If they do their job, the truth will come out. I'll keep going.
Just as importantly--I hope principled reporters will finally hold officials and themselves accountable. Ask the key questions about intel operations upending U.S. democracy for years and now threatening to undermine another election. Maybe even look at hard evidence...
Adhere to journalistic standards. Stop making untrue statements, like @LesleyRStahl 's shutting down a president to claim there's no evidence of "spying" on his campaign when there's piles of evidence provided by myself, others, even DOJ's IG and intel officials themselves.
It's past time for Congress and the Admin. to finally, seriously declassify the truth, force testimony, and hold people accountable, and for all with info to step forward. I and others that DOJ seemed to hide from during its Mueller/IG investigations are here if you are serious
For democracy's sake, we must take U.S./foreign intel abusing power to undermine America seriously, whatever party or individuals you support in tomorrow's election. This struggle will be even more critical--and crucial to separate from partisan agendas--in the vote's aftermath
You can follow @StevenPSchrage.
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