Does anyone else get tired of the “it’s been so long ago, let it go.” Or “none of these guys were on the team, quit punishing them” takes in regards to the Baylor sexual assault problem/why fanbases dislike Baylor?
I for one am so tired of hearing it. The reason why it’s said so much is there was ZERO accountability from the university or NCAA in regards to punishment for what happened. ZERO.
And it’s easy for a fan to say that on Twitter. But would they have the guts to say it to one of the sexual assault victims? I don’t think so. Whose life was ruined in an instant. Their sense of safety, security and ability to finish college like a normal person, gone.
What message does that send? Winning is all that matters. And that’s incredibly toxic. I’m not naive enough to think it only happened in Waco. It happens all across the country and it’s plain wrong.
Everyone deserves to know their safety matters more than a football teams ability to win football games. But that wasn’t what happened. So that’s why I dislike them. And I know I can’t be the only one who feels that way.
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