Occult ritual thread. Part 3.
Social distancing.
A prelude.
Someone replying to one of my posts in the previous thread, said that I was just average, like everyone else. I responded by saying I wasn't and neither was he/she, no one is, I wrote, we are all much more than we were
led to believe. And here lies the problem. Most people truly perceive themselves as average, nothing special, grey and invisible to most.
The systematic indoctrination that haunt us from cradle to grave, is responsible for this, alas, widespread attitude. We are constantly told
we are dust, just a tiny, insignificant speck of flesh on a brief journey to nowhere. The universe, we are continuously reminded, is unimaginably vast, ever expanding and we cannot comprehend it.
We must live our short, unremarkable lives as those who know best tell us. Sleep,
work, eat, play with our scrying screen, pay taxes, don't question, repeat. And this is the reality in which most people find themselves.
One needs to earn a living, take care of the children, deal with all the shite that one finds daily on one's doorstep.
No time to think about
reality, the meaning of existence or to ask who we really are. You all know this is no coincidence, it is the basis of what I call the GloBaal plan. A scheme that is put in motion I believe after every reset. Every trace of previous knowledge erased or muddled, languages, history
technology, spiritual awareness, all is hidden and replaced with illusions and abstruse scientific theories. All is fabricated and scripted just like an Holly Wood production. Meanwhile our brightness, our vital energy is stolen from us. We are imprisoned within their matrix.
All of it, culture, music, literature, screened entertainment, sociology, psychology, medical science and pharmacology, philosophy and politics. All engineered to keep us docile in our pens awaiting the slaughter.
And now, now the EL ite has decided we are ready for their ritual
So if the masking ritual signal one’s consent to change, and symbolizes loss of one’s previous sovereign position as a faithful creation carrying forth the Creator’s Word, and the hand-washing ritual symbolizes the washing away of the old pre-reset era so the new order can be
ushered in, what does the “social distancing” ritual signify? As we have established, most of the population is sleepwalking through a worldwide ritual whose elements have been cleverly disguised. Remember, symbols rule the world. The measures and policies which governments have
rolled out worldwide ever since Operation Coronavirus began such as quarantine, lockdown, hand-washing, mask-wearing, social distancing and more are in fact aspects of occult initiation ritual. These aspects have been cleverly adapted to the current fake pandemic and disguised
as genuine public health strategies. This gigantic hoax, is a 9-11 type event which has been meticulously planned for decades. The EL ite leave very little to chance.They are black magicians and they are running this live exercise in a similar fashion to how they run their secret
luciferian rituals. In both cases, the goal is the same: to take initiates out of their normal mode of existence, break them down, engender submission, remold them in the likeness of their leaders, and then finally, return them to a new normal.
Good night.
To be continued.
As always, I am truly grateful for your interest and appreciation.
In order to give a sociological context to this thread, here is an interesting theory about Iraq and Afghanistan veterans suffering from PTSD.
What all these people seem to miss isn’t danger or loss, per se, but the closeness and cooperation that danger and loss often engender.
Humans evolved to survive in extremely harsh environments, and our capacity for cooperation and sharing clearly helped us do that. Structurally, a band of hunter-gatherers and a platoon in combat are almost exactly the same:in each case, the group numbers between 30 and 50 men
they sleep in a common area, they conduct patrols, they are completely reliant on one another for support, comfort and defense, and they share a group identity that most would risk their lives for. Personal interest is subsumed into group interest because personal survival is not
possible without group survival. From an evolutionary perspective, it’s not at all surprising that many soldiers respond to combat in positive ways and miss it when it’s gone.War then gives these soldiers an experience of human solidarity that they cannot easily achieve back home
There are obvious psychological stresses on a person in a group but there may be even greater stresses on a person in isolation. A modern soldier returning from combat goes from the kind of close-knit situation that humans evolved for into a society where most people work outside
children are educated by strangers, families are isolated from wider communities, personal gain almost completely eclipses collective good, and people sleep alone or with a partner. Even if he or she is in a family, that is not the same as belonging to a large, self-sufficient
group that shares and experiences almost everything collectively. Whatever the technological rediscoveries of our post reset society, the individual lifestyles that those ancient tech spawn may be deeply brutalising to the human spirit.
One has to conclude that we are not a good society, indeed one could say we are the antithesis of it. The sad reality is we are not moral to each other, unless within a tribe an extremely narrow group of people: our children our spouse maybe our parents.Our society is alienating
technical, cold, and mystifying. Our fundamental desire, as human beings, is to be close to others, to touch, to hug, to kiss Certainly, the society we have created is hard on us by virtually every metric that we use to measure human happiness.
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