Please continue showing support for Natives that aren't backed by academia, non profits, marketing teams or industry Elite. This month, #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth and all year.
And just because i know ppl are waiting to ask im not recommending any explicit hashtags or anything like that cuz I feel like even when there's coordinated efforts things eventually get coopted.
I explained this back during Standing Rock and will reiterate that making efforts to actively listen and build relationships with Natives in the way that's pushing towards divestment, means that there's gotta be intentional efforts to seek out those connections.
The labor doesn't end after one hashtag or one event. It's an ongoing effort that never ends. U don't just throw your hands up and give up because we don't provide curated responses on demand.
As a individual i encourage u to boost efforts in the ways u can but if we ever hope to move towards divestment and move away from coopters then that only happens through an intentional, collective and decentralized effort. Numbers.
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