1/ So I've been looking into the "Jango Fett isn't a real Mandalorian" line people often refer to (citing Dave Filoni's quote that that idea came from George Lucas himself). So essentially, both Jaster Mereel and Jango Fett were from the planet Concord Dawn, a planet within the
2/ Mandalore sector, not the planet Mandalore itself. On Concord Dawn, they had what they call "Journeyman Protectors", who wore Mando armour, which is what Mereel was and raised Jango as (and later Boba Fett would wear Mereel's Journeyman sigil) and there's a civil war between
3/ Mandalorians of the planet Mandalore and Mandalorians of other planets in the entire sector. Jaster Mereel led a faction called True Mandalorians against Death Watch, a group led by Tor Viszla who is from the planet Mandalore. So as far as I can figure it, "Jango Fett isn't
4/ a Mandalorian" I think comes from the technicality that he wasn't from the planet Mandalore itself. So when Almac from TCW says Jango wasn't Mandalorian, and I guess by extension George, he wasn't Mandalorian from the planet. So TL;DR, Jango was a Mandalorian from the
5/ sector of Mandalore, but not from the planet Mandalore itself, so George's quote is still technically correct in that sense and once again, people are exaggerating what Filoni/Lucas said. After all, Filoni said in a featurette that they took a looked at the history of
6/ the Mandalorians in the EU and that it all still happened. It all just comes down to being from the actual planet Mandalore as opposed to other planets in the sector. #StarWars #Mandalorian
7/ (still happened as in before the Disney reboot, obviously)
8/ Also, in terms of the pacifist Mandalorians, some time shortly after the Ruusan Reformations, Judificial Forces of the Republic and some Jedi led an attack known as the Mandalorian Excision, is what gave rise to them and also rendered parts of the jungle parts of the
9/ planet into inhospitable desert (seen in TCW). (from The Essential Atlas)
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