When I RT’d this earlier, I scrolled by quickly, without fully realizing what I was looking at. Now, I realize that this sign was placed directly OVER *THE* Black Lives Matter sign in Hollywood, rather than a new mural or moment of mutual solidarity. It’s not okay. I’ll explain. https://twitter.com/nvrek/status/1323303191811747842
There’s a very fine line between solidarity/coalition and appropriation/co-option. Of course, we want visibility, but I ask: who made the choice to place this directly above the BLM mural? Did you first contact local BLM organizers? Did you work together to come up w/ this plan?
If the answer is no, then, this is an example of appropriation and co-option, much like holding signs that read #ArmenianLivesMatter, given that #BLM is an organization founded in 2013 by three Black women: @opalayo, @aliciagarza, & @OsopePatrisse after Trayvon Martin’s murder.
It’s especially a slap in the face because so many tactics of the Black radical tradition—i.e., blocking the freeway—are ones that some Armenians are only okay with when it’s us doing it “peacefully” and no one else. I notice that. It’s hypocritical and disingenuous.
If you take, co-opt, or overwrite someone’s work as your own without giving due credit or respecting where it’s from, that’s appropriation. In school, we just call it plagiarism. People do it all of the time without being checked to the point that it is normalized in our culture.
The appropriation of Black & Indigenous culture—rooted in genocide, land theft, & slavery—and the ongoing state-sanctioned violence against us = global and systemic. It’s what enables the U.S. empire to survive today. We cannot remove ourselves from our current context.
As long as there is rampant anti-blackness in our community, you have a duty to do better for our Black/Indigenous relatives who have been showing up for us every day this month. This means listening, doing better, and giving credit where it’s due. We still have a long way to go.
Even if only one person told you it’s a problem, open up your ears and listen. It’s a note to do better. We are tired of repeating ourselves. Unlearning is an active process. Use that energy toward moments of true solidarity like ones I’ve been happy to see this week.
I wrote this article in @ArmenianWeekly in June. I think some of you need a reminder. White supremacy isn’t up for debate.

“If you are not yet with us, then you are simply not listening. And we all know what a shame it is not to be heard.” https://armenianweekly.com/2020/06/04/reparations-3/
TL;DR: ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER. The liberation of Black/Indigenous people = the liberation of all because everyone’s freedom is built on our dispossession. Some words from my lovely sister @carenerose & @CornelWest who teach me every day. We hold each other accountable with love.
I say this all because I love all of my people so much & I want everyone to feel seen and heard, that means amplifying the most silenced voice in the room & that is often Black women, especially trans women. Let’s take this as a lesson for future moments of solidarity. Peace 💛
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