So @amitkgupta84 heard me claiming that Academe, Journalism, Big Tech and Entertainment are the four areas that have become both the most bizarrely ideologically intolerant *and* constitute our traditional sense-making apparatus.

So he directed me to this graphic from @Crowdpac:
So, for example, academics write about X. Reporters interpret findings on X for readers. Celebrities read these reports of findings on X in newspapers and record a group PSA. Then platforms decide who should be able to see and talk about this X PSA on-line.

Where X is arbitrary.
For example, X could be:

University Admissions
Wuhan Institute
Section 230
Biological Sex
Tax Policy

Where are the trusted central and neutral sense-making institutions that can counter ideological bias and activists? Nowhere.
I don’t find the Right providing the institutional answers here. I see the non institutional folks like podcasters as all we have. Which is pathetic and insane. Also dangerous, irresponsible and suicidal for an advanced nuclear superpower. 🙏
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