Don’t know any 🇺🇸 voters still on the fence but anyone should read David’s letter. President Trump was a godsend for dictators around the world. In 4 years, he did more to destroy US soft power than anyone in living memory (or ever). Nobody in their right mind took him seriously.
Honestly, where to begin. I’m only awake in the first place because I’m so bloody anxious that I can’t sleep. 4 more years of Trump will complete the transition of the US to an authoritarian kleptocracy. Everyone will end up losing, even his base & the plutocrats who enable him.
If Amb. Haley was met with respect during her short term, it was because that respect was earned by her predecessors (except Bolton), back when the 🇺🇸 was a believer in the 🇺🇳 and int’l cooperation. She and her bosses squandered so much of that respect as they vandalised the UN.
Didn’t anybody tell her this? Perhaps because diplomacy tends to skirt its core responsibility of speaking truth to power and defend principles, and is used instead to advance interests? Or her interlocutors couldn’t handle the cognitive dissonance. Or she simply didn’t listen.
I wish I could confirm all world leaders were laughing _at_ Trump rather than with him at UNGA. Some certainly were, but others welcomed the new era of lawlessness and corruption that he ushered in. Cowards and opportunists will genuflect to a strongman. But that’s not respect.
All of this is saying nothing of the suffering that a Trump Administration and its foreign policy have inflicted on vulnerable people around the world, from the global gag rule to enabling of dictators and mass atrocities; from burning treaties to accelerating climate collapse.
All of this has been documented amply by journalists and scholars; anyone still on the fence is only there because they don’t read anything outside their comfort zone/echo chamber or because they don’t care. I wish I didn’t have to write this but conscience dictates I do it now.
After Trump’s reign ends—and I hope it ends soon, because its continuation is to traumatising to consider—there will be no shortage of moderate voices to distance themselves from him. Some of them no doubt the same people who previously showed reverence to Amb. Haley.

“A diplomat is someone who thinks twice before saying nothing.” If you’re reading this thread, it will be because I will have considered and reconsidered it, weighed the pros and cons and after long reflection, decided to hit the “Tweet all” button. Not doing this lightly.

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