A lot people you will hear over the next day are invested in an overtime election &, despite what they say, they can't imagine giving up @realDonaldTrump 1 day sooner than necessary. But this presidential contest is actually quite simple -- and Trump is the underdog.
These are the states Trump will win:
Then he MUST win all of the Significant 6:
Which, if Trump won them all (all are tight and/but I think *Biden* could actually win them all...) he would have this:
But that still wouldn't be enough to win. He would still need more states. The most likely path at this point (even though it involves winning 2 states in which he is behind in the polls) would be: PA + AZ + Significant 6 + Base States
Again, this means winning all 8 states in which he now appears even, a little ahead, a little behind, or a lot behind: FL, GA, NC, OH, IA, TX, PA, and AZ.
An alternative path is even less likely, swapping NV for AZ
Finally, there's this one, leading to a tie:
Are there other Trump victory scenarios, involving, say Michigan or Wisconsin? Sure, but they are even LESS likely.
So you can watch the cable channel of your choice, on which many will try to fuzz things up & pretend the race isn't over if Trump loses 1 of the Significant 6, b/c they want you to keep watching. But that would be misleading.
If Trump can be at a win or no projection in the Significant 6 by the time the east coast goes to sleep Tuesday/Wednesday, then he can look to SCOTUS to manufacture "wins" in PA & AZ. That's his main hope for reelection by any means necessary.
You can follow @MarkHalperin.
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