Ad a professor, a brief thread on accommodations letters:
1. Get one if you qualify, whether or not you think you’ll need it.
You are not a lesser person because you get an accommodations letter; you are a better prepared person.
2. Your professor needs no further explanation than the letter.

I was furious when I learned of a prof who asked my son “what exactly do you have?” She then gave him dangerous advice (to go off his meds) and also told him to “go to the Lord” about his being gay.
3. Some professors are jerks about accommodations, but that doesn’t change your rights.

Report (UAC) report (chair) report (Dean) if they refuse to make reasonable accommodations
4. Preempt problems by clarifying terms early on.

It’s good to touch base with your professor to discuss accommodations in advance. But again, you do not need to disclose personal details and it is inappropriate for them to ask.
5. For the sake of other students, don’t be that student that asks during the last week of the semester to make up 10 weeks of work.

If you have missed a massive amount of work and not talked about it earlier, maybe you need to apply for an incomplete or withdrawal.
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