For my non-American friends: the presidential election in the US is not a national election; it is 51 different elections for 1 office, so it is (by design) a mess. Early and mail-in voting will be a factor, so we may not know the results tomorrow. States to watch:
Biden is relying on Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to get him to 270 electoral votes.

Trump needs to hold Arizona, Iowa, and North Carolina. Losing them complicates things, but Florida is a must-win for reelection. (If Florida votes Democrat, we can all go to bed.)
Pennsylvania is the tipping-point state, but they will not start counting votes until Election Day, and have 3 days to complete their count. This means that we could have a wait on our hands. The longer we wait, the more likely Trump will claim victory, no matter what.
This election, because of the early voting and mail-in voting, will likely end up before the courts. Biden will win the popular vote, but because of the electoral system, it's not guaranteed he will win the election, and expect all attempts to question the legitimacy of the vote.
And Americans who are unhappy about the EC, it's the way the system was designed and is unlikely to be abolished. However, we have not altered the congressional formula since 1924. If you want changes, look to invoke the Wyoming Rule, and for D.C./Puerto Rican statehood.
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