- Didn't provide a vaccine.
- Didn't contain the virus.
- Mexico didn't pay for the wall.
- Crashed the economy.
- Never provided a healthcare plan.
- Never gave us an infrastructure pkg.
- Caged immigrant children.
- Destroyed our International reputation.
- supported violence against Americans
- Endorsed by QAnon
- Endorsed by KKK
- Built a wall around the WH
- Made friends with Despots
- Insulted veterans
- Refused to confront Russia regarding bounties on
American soldiers
- Suggested raking forests to prevent forest fires.
- Impeached
- Violated emolument clause
- Claimed Obama wiretapped his office
- Claimed he'd release his taxes
- Only paid $750 in U.S. Taxes
- Paid more taxes in China
- Disbanded Pandemic response team
- Dismantled Pendleton Act
- Threatened to Fire Dr. Fauci
- LIED every day
- Said Biden is against God
- Called Kamala Harris a Monster
- Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine
- Gassing peaceful protesters in Lafayette Park
- The photo op
- Ending DACA
- Sexual Harassment
- Obstruction of Justice
- Leaving Paris climate accords
- Taking no responsibility
- Whining
- Outing whistleblowers
- Voter Suppression
- Saying the pandemic will disappear
- Saying we've turned the corner on the pandemic
- Calling Russian hacking a hoax
- Refusing to accept a peaceful transfer of power
- Claiming to be a "law and order" president - breaks the law
- Played Golf 283 times
- Called Veterans suckers and losers
- Senator John McCain
- Rage Tweeting
- Didn’t condemn Saudi Arabia for Khashoggi
- Ingesting disinfectant
- Kim Jong-Un
- Muslim Ban
- UN laughs at him
- Pardoned War criminals
You can follow @BrianKarem.
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