This is for the 5 remaining undecided people in the country who have not voted yet.

After Woodward tapes, a ton of people said, “The President knew and lied to the American people.” That’s not the whole truth. Many people including government scientists knew how bad this was.
What the President has done over the last 8 months is not just mislead the American people but also silence government scientists, while trying to discredit those public health experts outside his purview if what they said didn’t fit his narrative of denial.
As we lost the central voice of our national public health leadership, the void was filled by citizen scientists, academics but also disinformation agents. The President took a confusing & fast evolving situation and made it worse.
Then his administration altered our CDC public health guidance for political expediency. They made it harder for public to access data about Covid. And when none of it worked, they have now resorted to just flat out lying (easily refutable lies) about the pandemic.
They have actively hampered the public health response by undermining the importance of masks, downplaying all aspects of the severity of this disease, spreading conspiracy theories.
And if that wasn’t enough, they decided they were going to throw more gasoline on the pandemic by hosting super spreader events.

This is not sustainable. The chickens are coming home to roost.
No matter who wins tomorrow, most states look like they are on a trajectory to suffer second lockdowns. It could have been avoided. But it wasn’t: because our central problem is our White House is actively sabotaging the pandemic response.
Those lockdowns will happen while Trump is still President. And this President will either leave on the worst note of his first term or reside over an even worse public health disaster during his second term. You can’t win in the long term by trying to gaslight a virus.
You can follow @BhadeliaMD.
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