Ok so we talked plates and plate carrier brands. We also talked a but about set up. Lets go into greater detail
This is my no shit loadout, ill use this and some other pics to highlight where everything goes step by step. My goal here has been to keep everything modular. I have an Qore ice pack on the back now but those bags can slip right in as well with the zip on panel.
Ok so mags and med. med is anything red, the X is the med pouch and the Os are TQs, mags are the blocks. I carry 5 on my body, and the 2 on the side are to “refill” my front rack. Ideally im not drawing from them.
Demo, smoke and radio. So i normally carry two radios, and route the cords to the antennae on the back. The dagger is where i have my SOCP dagger woven in the Cbund, the flames are where i keep demo or initiators, the dynamite is either smoke or incendiary.
Same key for belts except there are bombs as frags. Top belt rig includes a pistol set up. And bottom is a “truck rig” with more frags, no pistol. Each belt still has at least one rifle mag and a pistol mag. And room for a dump or med pouch.
Heres what i keep in the flat pack. H2O purifier, jetboil and hammock. I also keep 3 days of stripped MRES. The idea is “water, food, sleep” for 3 days. That jacket also folds into the pack. Its an Arcteryx unicorn that I absolutely love.
Another example of a more streamline set up aimed at a “less DA” set up. 6 mags on the front this time. But still very much the same utility of space. The key is, fuel your main weapon and activities from your rig, everything secondary from your belt.
Hope this was helpful. Tomorrow ill run a route planning Bug out thread.
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