Election 2020 Predictions: A Mini-Thread
I was inspired to post this after looking at the work of some astrologers who got 2016 correct and those who didn't. And if I can do a lot of detailed thought and delineation while some people do the bare minimum or don't show their work in astrology, I can talk my shit too.
Also, if some people are going to make really stupid tweets about how Hitler is better than Bin Laden based on astrology, and how they trust an incompetent man better on the basis of "astrology," why can't I also throw my hat into the ring?!
My method largely involves solar revolutions (returns) as a method, which takes into account profections. I will also be looking at:
🌙 - Election day transits
🌙 - Eclipses between now and inauguration
🌙 - The inauguration
🌙 - Sat/Jupiter conjunction + 2020 Aries Ingress
Part I: Election Day charts for Midnight, Noon, and late night (11pm) in Washington, DC.
Just posting these charts so that we can really appreciate what the Moon is doing, as well as what the outer planets are up to. I know Mercury is rx in Libra and due to station direct near the end of the sign just like 2000, but this is NOT 2000.
What is different (below is a chart for 2000, 7pm in DC):
🌙 Sun (King, ruler, leader) is APPLYING TO A SQUARE WITH URANUS and disposed by a debilitated Libra Mars in 2000. Not the case in 2020. The Sun has separated and is ruled by a domiciled, stationary Aries Mars.
🌙 Moon-Mars antiscia dominates the day, which seems to indicate that the populace is upset or that there is hidden division among the populace.
🌙 Mercury st'd anaretic in a CARDINAL SIGN, which to me is symbolic of a last minute turn in favor of something new and unexpected.
This go around?
💥Sun separating from Uranus opp + disposing to Mars indicates ruler has advantage, but there is a clearer more unstable challenge to authority.

💥Mercury is solidly in Libra when stationing, in the terms of VENUS instead of Mars, and is disposing the Moon.
Mercury answering to a VERY DIGNIFIED Venus from a sign based and a bound based manner, going direct, and having the Moon on Rahu forming a trine with it at the end of the night is indicating to me that the results might be more decisive than we expect, either way.
Venus, a planet of social cohesion and consensus, in its diurnal home being the final dispositor of the Moon seems to hint something about where the populace is at and what they decided.
Yes Mercury is squaring Saturn, but it's sending a challenging message to those who make rules or set boundaries or even the opposition that "we are upset and this is what we are needing" even if it's stuff that people don't want to hear.
Okay now to evaluating the candidates. This is IMPORTANT. Not to shit on anyone who used horary to predict, but there is the idea that there is a hierarchy of charts to use means that when the nativities are available to us, those are better predictors of the results. Period.
OK. The incumbent and his solar return. With all the 9th house emphasis, it is not surprising that his crown achievement for the year involves the Supreme Court. It's really not. 🤷🏾‍♀️
However, he is in a 3H/Libra/Venus profection year. Natal Venus rules this house and the MC from his 12th, suggesting that something around isolation, self-undoing, and endings might plague relationships with siblings but also his reputation and career this year.
Venus in the SR is in the 12th house, rx, and not in a sign where she has triplicity. This indicates not having as much support behind the scenes as he is accustomed to. This might be a year of closing out a career path if not also spending time in hospitals, which has happened.
On election day Mercury stations direct in his profected house (communications) in a square with his profected lord, who has been getting hammered in the cardinal crunch this year. This has consequences for his reputation but also his assets and perceived alliances.
Yes he is coming off of his nodal return and the Moon is conjunct his Sun and North Node in the 11th, but the Moon rules his 12th house. This is nothing to get excited about. It could represent a desire to appeal to his base and his allies.
We don't have a timed chart for Pence, but the main thing going on for him that day is Rahu/Moon on his Mercury. He will be giving some kind of important message or something that night, surely. However, as we don't know his house setup, I cannot say much more than that.
Pence was about to begin his Progressed New Moon in Leo when Trump won the election in 2016 though, but other than that, nothing is going on for him there. I will speak more on his chart when I get to the section on the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction and the Aries ingress.
The narratives surrounding the challengers is infinitely more interesting, because Joe Biden switches profection years like 2.5 weeks after the election.
Joe, 2019 SR, and 2020 SR, respectively. He is moving from a 6H/Taurus/Venus profection into a 7H/Gemini/Mercury profection later this month. His LoY for both years is eating good in both charts.
In the case of his current profection year, it makes sense that he clinched the nomination because his friends/colleagues (Venus) rallied behind him to propel him out of private life into public life. However, he struggled to get that message across on his own. (Rx L1 in SR).
With L1 of the SR being retrograde and pinpointing his Mars in Scorpio, ruler of the 5th and 12th, it's made sense that secrets and struggles of his children or the deaths of his children, or just skeletons in his closet related to sexuality had the potential to threaten this.
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