There have only been a handful of times in America’s relatively young history that its people have had a chance to fight for the soul of their nation. We are situated in a very unique and humbling position.

Our actions at this moment will determine what kind of country we live in. Will we continue to follow and significantly improve on the plans for a free and fair society laid out by our founders?

Will we once again inspire the world with our commitment to democratic ideals? Will we once again take a place as a leader in science and technology, also while protecting the health of our people and precious planet?

Or will we fall further into an authoritarian and regressive regime that goes against everything our country was founded on? One that casts away science. One that undoubtedly leads to further destruction, sickness, and death.

Both in the near and long term. America under 4 more years of this criminal administration will be unrecognizable. We must use our power to vote, a sacred one that men and woman have died for to preserve, to save ourselves from a dystopian and autocratic nightmare.

For the sake of a better future, and especially our childrens’ future, please vote Biden, Harris, and the Democratic ticket downballot. Encourage everyone that you can to do so as well. There is just too much at stake.

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