Why I voted for @realDonaldTrump
A thread

1. He is the first president in living memory to speak out against globalism and understand the threat it presents to not just the US, but the entire world. That's really my #1 issue.
2. No more foreign wars. I voted for him in 2016 on the promise of no new wars and he has not only kept that promise, but has also successfully worked to defuse tensions in potential trouble spots. Yes, I want the Prez to have a good relationship with dictators if it prevents war
3. The economy was doing great before it was (intentionally?) tanked by Covid. As a middle class taxpayer, Trump's tax plan is a lot better for me and most everyone I know and care about. I have every faith that Trump will quickly be able to restore it.
4. Trump is pretty much the only person in govt who has called out radical leftists in media, Big Tech, and academia. With a GOP controlled Congress, I think we'll see his full power level come out on these issues and finally see some decisive action taken against this subversion
5. Dismantling Obamacare is a big deal for me. It made healthcare completely unaffordable and was nothing but a subsidy for insurance companies. The healthcare system needs to be fixed and the ACA only made it worse. I look forward to seeing what replacement Trump comes up with.
Those are my top 5 reasons, though I could easily think of many others. Say what you want about his personal life, I'm not hiring the guy to be a good husband or father (maybe he is or isn't, none of us can know), but to be a good president.
I know many people think Trump is just in it to enrich himself which is a theory that doesn't make any sense to me. He was already extremely wealthy and influential. What has he gained from the presidency? His family name and businesses are tarnished from media smears,...
... he's probably lost money (and doesn't even take a salary), and he went from being a very popular figure to the most hated man in the world. He could have just enjoyed an easy and luxurious retirement instead. I tend to think he's a genuine patriot.
So get out there and vote for Trump and do your bit to save the world from the techno-communist dystopia that the globalists and the radical left have in store for us.
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