1/3 🇨🇦 your actions matter! Every decision we make to reduce our risk of exposure and every precaution we take to slow the spread of #COVID19 in our communities, can help to slow the accelerated growth of the epidemic. #COVIDwise
2/3 Closed spaces, crowded places, & close contact with others, ↑ risk of exposure to #COVID19 the most. The more time you spend in these spaces/situations and the more people present, the greater your risk. #YourActionsSaveLives
3/3 Protect yourself and others: AVOID or STRICTLY LIMIT the time you spend in these high-risk settings and situations. IF you are in these situations #WashYourHands and use #PhysicalDistancing/wear a non-medical mask. More info: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/diseases-conditions/covid-19-going-out-safely.html
You can follow @CPHO_Canada.
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