I’ve been thinking a lot about redlining and segregation lately.
My husband, who is white asked me “Why would the government would create racist policies like this? What is their end game?”

“Because they’re racist,” I replied - but I’ve been thinking about it.
A lot.
Some of you may know my family’s story.
How my parents tried to buy a house.
How my father, who was a black veteran, was turned down by bank after bank - even though he was entitled to us VA loans - had to leave our family & work in Alaska to earn cash to buy our first house.
My husband pointed out, it is to a government’s benefit that ALL citizens succeed, so why Institutional Racism?
How can the government benefit from it?
Creating suburbs - while destroying black neighborhoods doesn’t make sense.
Everyone could benefit - why cut out black people?
I thought - maybe the end game is to exterminate black people.
After all, Abraham Lincoln met with black leaders (including Frederick Douglass) to discuss sending former slaves “back to Africa.”

After we built this country.
Farmed its fields.

We were considered a burden.
Perhaps - separating black folks from white folks would make it easier to kill us.

But how would such a policy continue for generations?
Then my neighbor pointed out to me that maybe it was just a way to separate poor black folks from poor white folks - while giving white people the advantage to increase their wealth.

Poor people, united could disrupt the status quo.

Hmmmmm - could this be it?
If poor black folks & poor white folks got together to form a lobby - they could change the face of the country & reduce the wealth of the 1%.

We really need to do this!
We need a leader.
We have to stop letting corporations fund candidates.
We need to revise our tax laws.
We need people to understand that segregation was purposeful - and that race is a construct and not real - we are all human.

People who aren’t rich - need to unite - and demand things:
Universal health care.
A liveable wage.
A quality educational system.
Security in our old age.
I think this is what scares those in power the most.
It’s the fact that the middle class & working class people have the real power!
We’ve got our families.
We’ve got support.
We can have the power - but we need to unite.
We can do this.
Vote out Trump.
Put pressure on Biden.
You can follow @MimZWay.
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