Apparently population momentum means that below-replacement fertility is fake. I was skeptical at first, but this comes from a demographer, so it has to be true.
Proof that below-replacement fertility is fake. Where can I get my Nobel Prize in Demography?
Oh no! It turns out that below-replacement fertility is not fake after all... There goes my Nobel Prize 😢
By the way, just looking at natural increase doesn't totally remove the effect of immigration, since births include natural-born descendants of immigrants and therefore natural increase would have been lower had it not been for past immigration.
But the point is that, with population momentum, you don't even need immigration for the population to increase *for a while* with below-replacement fertility. It's just that the age structure changes, i. e. the population gets older.
Moreover, sooner or later, below-replacement fertility catches up with you and the population starts going down. Clearly, only a white nationalist could worry about any of that, so by all means let's just cancel @JDVance1 for talking about below-replacement fertility 🙃
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