I made a Covid in the plant comment this am. But things are very different now than this Spring thanks to what the packers have implemented. Let me list out what I know.
Every employee has temperature test at least daily. In many cases walk through temp scanners more than once
Employees have been trained when in doubt stay home. Plexiglass everywhere. Common areas expanded and spaced. Traffic flow controlled. Full PPE everywhere. Big plants have built clinics on sight. Testing is easy and available
If someone is positive they are send his close workmates home to quarantine . They have well established protocols to deal with outbreaks.
The # I here is a big plant will spend 20 mil dealing with Covid this year. Each plant!
All this makes me hope we can avoid a major shutdown. It is going to be a long winter and who knows what happens particularly in states that have pushed back on masking etc.
Let’s hope for the best and I will do my best to keep you informed
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